Menopause can be a stressful time for many women. The hormonal changes and fluctuations the body experiences, as a result, can occur anywhere between mid-thirties to late fifties. Still, it can be even earlier as a result of certain illnesses, such as ovarian cancer. A decline in ovarian function causes the symptoms of menopause, which means that a woman’s body stops producing as much estrogen, which sees a significant impact on the way her body functions. While menopause is all part of growing older, just as puberty was a natural stage when transitioning into adulthood, the uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing side effects can leave it feeling anything but natural.
Luckily, there are plenty of ways to alleviate the symptoms of menopause naturally.
As a result of the hormonal shifts experienced during menopause, many women suffer from anxiety and low mood. The menopause itself can be a difficult transitional period for many women. Change is not always easy and it can be tough stepping into the next phase of life — all the more reason to treat your body with kindness and look to nature for a solution. One of the best ways to begin is to start looking for products containing an unexpected, hormone-balancing secret weapon – yams!
Yams are a super ingredient when it comes to fighting back against some of the more challenging aspects of menopause. Studies have shown yams have a stabilizing effect on women’s hormones and have been a traditional remedy for generations to help bring balance to the monthly cycle of hormonal disruption. There is a compound called diosgenin found in yams that has an estrogen mimicking effect. Fantastic for relieving hot flashes, low mood, and insomnia, this also makes yam-based products a great alternative to other synthetic estrogen medications too. Indeed, herbalists around the world have been recommending yams as a natural hormonal supporting ingredient for years.

Women’s 35+ lotion is a yam based formula infused with herbs that help support hormonal levels for women. Ideal for those suffering from hot flashes and irritability brought on by menopause, this formula helps to soothe body and mind. It promotes a greater sense of well-being and balance. This formulation is also great for boosting a low sex drive, another common side effect of menopause. Overall, Women’s 35+ lotion and balm aids with a variety of hormonal issues in a natural, non-invasive way, chemical and paraben free and easily absorbed into the skin, Women’s 35+ gets right to the source of the problem. It provides relief and hormonal harmony any time, day or night.
Although this lotion and balm are ideal for alleviating menopausal symptoms, it is still used by all adult women looking to keep their hormones in check naturally. The hormonal balance that exists within the body is a delicate one, and a life filled with work and family stress, poor diet and lack of exercise can easily see this disrupted. Women’s 35+ is also perfect for relieving menstrual cramps, PMS symptoms and is a natural general pick me up when your body is feeling low and in need of a little help. Its moisturizing properties also tackle fine lines and wrinkles, so you can keep your skin looking good while feeling even better on the inside too.
As well as using natural remedies to help restore balance to the body, there are other ways to help reduce the symptoms of menopause too. Sticking to a healthy weight and maintaining a diet rich in vitamins and minerals is a great way to keep your immune system supported during this time. As menopausal women are more at risk of developing diabetes and heart disease, staying on track with health goals should be a primary focus. Calcium and Vitamin D are essential for promoting good bone health as the risk of osteoporosis also rises once a woman hits menopause.
Hot flashes and night sweats are two of the most dreaded symptoms associated with menopause. An excellent way to avoid these is to steer clear of trigger foods, which are usually sugary, spicy, or drinks that contain caffeine and alcohol. While everything is fine in moderation, if you find a particular food or drink that disagrees with your body, leave it out altogether. Drink plenty of water and try adding a probiotic, prebiotic, or red clover extract supplement to your morning routine. Red clover extract contains phytoestrogens, a naturally occurring plant compound that mimics the effects of estrogen on the body and great for giving a hormone balancing result.
Insomnia is another tricky side effect associated with the menopause. Trouble sleeping can lead to a sense of general irritability. One of the best ways to restore balance is to stick to a consistent exercise routine, which releases the feel-good neurochemical serotonin. Serotonin promotes better sleep and allows your metabolism to keep working at the top level. Along with struggling to sleep, it is also common during menopause that your metabolism starts to slow down and become sluggish, which can leave you feeling pretty low, so sticking to a consistent workout routine can make a difference, physically and mentally.
Although menopause can be an uncertain (and uncomfortable!) time, there is plenty you can do at home to help. Make sure you are sticking to a healthy diet and exercise plan and, most importantly, find what works for you and makes you feel at your best. Remember, menopause is a natural stage of life, and natural products, such as Women’s 35+ lotion, can be your secret weapon to promote overall well-being and survive the hormonal ups and downs we experience as women – the natural way!